Wednesday, March 29, 2006

So What?

So what if I don't post for a month? I do what I want! Between selling my house, planning my wedding, and working on my Master's I've been pretty busy lately. And I'm still pretty busy. I have some things I'm thinking about blogging about, but I haven't had the motivation to commit a chunk of my now-precious free time to it yet. So, until I do, watch these funny videos:

Fear of Girls (+10 Intelligence, +1 Universal Saving Throws, -1 charisma, and +2 melee attacks if you understand everything they say... "Mercy? You wanted mercy?! I'm chaotic neutral!!!")

Final Fantasy - in your back yard


At least I'm good for something, right?


RJ said...


Anonymous said...

Greg, you could hit eighth level tonight...

Justin said...

It's like we're waging an epic battle against conformity...